So I know all of you, esspecially those without a facebook, are probably itching to see some pictures of what life is like over here. I have lots more, but here's a few to start out with. ^_^
My room. Four bunks, eight girls. It's cleaner now, this is when we first moves in. That's Gabrielle you see on the near right. My bunk is the top one to the right near the window. You can't really see it in this picture that well. I like it because I'm right next to a window. |
These are a couple of my roomates, Gabrielle and Martine. They're both from Holland. |
Me and a couple more of my roomates. That's Karis on the right, and Kelli on the left. They're both from California but didn't know eachother before they came. |
I have more roomates and will probably post pictures of them all sooner or later.
The trees here are really big. |
They just keep getting bigger... |
And bigger. |
This is the pier downtown where we swim alot. It's not the most exiting beach ever, but it's still pretty cool and it's very close. The water's murky close to shroe but if you swim out deep you can see all schools of bright yellow fish everywhere, which is pretty cool. |
A school of bright yellow fish! |
Me swimming at the pier. |
This is actually at a different beach. Also while swimming with a bunch of fish though. One of my very favorite things to do here. :-) |
This blog just wouldn't be truly me without a gecko picture. |
I'll close off with a sunset picture. It's not the best Hawaiian sunset there ever was, but nevertheless it's pretty. This is taken near my classroom. It's a long walk because everything else is way down all the buildings you see here. |
Thanks for looking! Keep praying for me and checking back!
cute gecko :D