Friday, August 27, 2010

Something that's been bugging me lately.

Have you ever had somebody be really rude to you?  Of course you have.  Sometimes I can just ignore it or get over it but sometimes I just can't stop being angry about it.  I pray about it and try to forget that I'm hurt by what the person did, but I just can't stop being pissed about it.  If you love that person and obviously still want to be friends with them than I guess you're supposed to confront them about it.

So you do that.  You tell them what they said/did made you really angry/hurt/sad/confused/whatever.  Sometimes that person that offended you didn't even realize what they did and apologize and/or explain and the relationship is mended.

But don't you just hate it when instead of apologizing they throw something that you did to them in your face?  Like to change the subject or make you feel bad about confronting them.  Even if you didn't even know about it or you already thought you had made amend for your own offence a long time ago.

But what really REALLY bugs me is apologies that are all crafted to make sure they don't admit to doing anything wrong.  "I'm sorry IF I did anything wrong." "I'm sorry IF you got offended my what I said."

This isn't really saying sorry for anything, and whenever somebody says it to me I feel like they might as well just say "I'm sorry you feel like I did something wrong." or "I'm sorry you're so oversensitive."

Or those apologies that end with the word "but!"

"I'm sorry that I said that BUT it was only..." "I apologize for what I did that day BUT I only did it because..."

Don't say "but."  If you feel I did something wrong please tell me so I can know, because sometimes I don't know if I hurt somebody and I never mean to.  But don't bring it up to try to justify what you did.  If I do something crappy it doesn't mean it makes what you did okay.  It's not.

Just something that I've been wanting to talk about lately.  Because I notice a lot of people do it all the time.  By the way, if anybody catches me doing this, please smack me upside the head!  :-)

Thanks, - Amanda.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Blog!

Hi, this is Amanda here!  I've never really started a blog before, so I don't quite know how this works.  But as you might already know I'll be leaving for Kona Hawaii soon for YWAM, and I thought this would be a good way to keep in touch with everyone.  Anyway I'll probably have more to say when I actually get there, which won't be till the end of September.  But I'm all exited and ahead of myself so I wanted to start now.

Anything anybody wants me to write about?  :-)