Wednesday, December 29, 2010

At the airport.

So I'm sitting in the San Fransisco airport right now.  We had a long flight from Kona last night and got here at 4 AM and haven't left since.  My next flight is to Beijing, then to Dalian.  On the way here I watched two movies that were pretty good.  I don't know the names.  I barely got any sleep though.  I'm very tired right now and I hope I can manage to fall asleep on my next flight!  The few hours before I left yesterday I was panicking so much because I found out all my stuff couldn't fit into my bag, and I had to get rid of a bunch of stuff, and I couldn't figure out which to make a carry-on and which to check, and I wanted to bring my ukulele of course, and OH I was panicked.  But I'm fine now, with two very stuffed small bags.  Everybody is teasing me because my ukulele is stuffed full of underwear.  Yes, underwear.  It was a last-minute, desperate attempt to make my bag zip closed and it was the first thing I thought of!

I'll try to catch you guys later.  Love you all!

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